Dad loved women’s attention but didn’t practise polygamy – The late Alex Akinyele’s son

Mr Constantine Akinyele is one of the children of the late Chief Alex Akinyele, a former Minister of Information and Chairman of the National Sports Commission. He tells GBENRO ADEOYE and TOMI MARK-ADEWUNMI how father’s passion, lifestyle and interests

You qualified as a lawyer but don’t work as a lawyer, why?

I qualified as a lawyer and was called to the bar over 27 years ago, but I don’t work as a lawyer. I am a qualified Core Energy Leadership Coach.  Core energy leadership coaching is an approach to coaching that deploys understanding of energy and energy level, which was expounded by Bruce D. Schneider in his book, ‘Energy Leadership’. There are a lot of different approaches to coaching but this specific one adopts an understanding of energy, deploying the ability to identify blocked energy, and being able to remove those blocks so that people can effortlessly work to attain their goals in a sustainable manner.

Your dad did many things; he read English, worked in a cosmetic company and also with the Nigeria Customs Service before becoming the Minister of Information. You’re a lawyer who is into other things; do you think you picked that from him?

I am not sure it was from my dad but there is an awareness that one should move in the direction of one’s most dominant strength. He could communicate with people and he did that as a public relations officer when he was at Customs. He carried that forward into the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations, which he enabled to actually become a professional body. He worked in the business environment where he involved himself in a number of companies as well.

Is there any one of you (his children) that is also into public relations like your dad?

I think of all my siblings, I am the closest to dad because I make a living from communicating with people in a training environment and that should be the closest, but I haven’t stepped into the field of PR. Definitely when it comes to communication, I think to be a PR practitioner, you have to have very strong verbal reasoning skills; that was his dominant gift and is my dominant gift as well.

How large was his family?


My father was married to the late Lady Yvonne Akinyele; from that marriage, there were five of us. Unfortunately, one of us has passed on. Before my father got married, he had my elder brother, Akinrinmola Akinyele, and we have a big sister, an adopted sister. Those were the people that were raised by the late Chief Akinyele and the late Lady Yvonne Akinyele.

But when my mother passed on, my father remarried. He married Lady Maria, so I have a sister in India, Olayokunbo, and I discovered I have a brother, Akintunde, who is in the UK and then I am open and waiting to see if I have any other sibling I am not aware of. I am sure they will come out. His children are: Akinrinmola, Thuli Babajide, Constantine, Sholagbade, Bayonle (who has passed on), Westerfield, Abimbola, Olayokunbo, and Akinwande.

How did you hear about his death?

I came in from South Africa to see him. He was in the hospital recovering and it was the week after I saw him that he passed on. I’m happy I was able to see him before he passed on. I had just finished a training engagement for a mortgage company in Lagos on a Thursday, when I got a call from my sister that he had difficulty breathing. They had to rush him to the hospital and he died on arrival at the hospital.

What was the first thing that went through your mind when you heard the news?

It was the fact that I had the privilege of seeing him the week before he died. My father and I had a very interesting relationship, so it was important for me to reconnect with him. I think I was guided by God to reconnect with him at the time so it was good for him and for me as well because I would have been full of regrets if I had not seen him at the time I did. I thank God that we were able to see, talk, laugh and joke.

When you said ‘interesting relationship’, what does that mean?

My father had a very strong personality and you know what they say: “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” I guess we were cut from the same cloth. There were slight differences in opinions about issues of life and my views; I handled the way a young person would.

What would you describe as the most memorable time you had with him?

There are lots of experiences to remember, particularly while growing. There were times when we had fun. There was a period in my life when every weekend was literarily an ‘Asun’ (spicy barbecued goat meat) weekend. There would be a gathering of a lot of his friends and people from Ondo. There would be jokes, laughter and Asun and one thing I remember quite well was that somebody was always caught in a trap and said to have caused an offence, which made it mandatory for that person to provide a goat or chicken for the next meeting, depending on whether it was a man or a woman.

If it was a man, surely that person would provide a goat which meant that the following weekend, he would be providing the goat for the Asun. This was done among his friends and our Ondo community. We had a large Ondo community in Ilasamaja (in Lagos), where I grew up. If it was a woman, there would be chicken and Pepper Soup. It was a really interesting and exciting period and because of the frequency of having to kill a goat, every male child in my father’s house could kill a goat for Asun without getting any help. I remember a visit to my aunt in Zimbabwe. While we were there, my father got a goat and I was the one that prepared it. While I was at Ife, I went to Erin Ijesha and my friend said he wanted to get a goat but didn’t know who would prepare it, I prepared it. It is the same for my brothers.

But I doubt if you still can do it.

Yes, I can. I haven’t done it in a while though.

When you remember your dad today, what do you miss the most about him?

My dad was passionate when he was in a good mood; the jokes never stopped flowing and then there were certain values that he passed on to all of us. My father was accommodating, he accepted all people and he could get on with anybody. I can see the same trait in all of my siblings; we have friends everywhere irrespective of what people might tag as social status or whatever. He had genuine friends everywhere.

Can you remember the last thing he said to you or that you said to him?

I do remember but it is slightly a bit private.

When you said he was funny, can you remember an example of one of such moments when he made you laugh?

Oh yes, my father was a great prankster. There was a time he wanted to hire a driver, so when the guy arrived, he welcomed him and started interviewing him in Ondo language. Then he joked with the guy, saying: “Looking at you, I am sure you drink beer.” The guy laughed and said, “Yes, once in a while”. Then my dad said, “I’m sure you smoke as well.” And the guy, feeling very comfortable, said “Yes, sir.” My father then said, “Get out of here; you want to drink and smoke while driving my children, I am not going to hire you.” While that was going on, we were listening to their conversation and we knew the man was being set up.

Beyond the jokes, what kind of person was he at home?

My father was a strict disciplinarian; we didn’t mess around with him. He was very strict. I remember that if you came home with bad grades, you would get caned on the first day of resumption to remind you of your poor performance and not to play when you got to school. My father believed in using the cane. It worked; we all turned out to be upstanding people and disciplined in own way.

Did he encourage any of you to toe his path or line of career?

He had some pre-conceived notions about what each of his children should do; some he got right, and some he didn’t.  He was happy I became a lawyer but when I didn’t want to practise law, he wasn’t happy. I wanted to follow my own path. My father came from Ondo, grew up as a poor boy, made up his mind with plenty of self belief and became what he became based on him following his dream.

Did you grow up with your other siblings?

Oh yes, we all grew up together; it was a big household. I remember that growing up, when we came back from school, our dining table was sometimes fully occupied because there would be other kids – our friends on our street who were from Ondo. When their parents were still at work, they would stop by our house to eat. We had cousins and others who lived with us so there was always plenty children around the table at lunchtime after school. It was a pretty large family.

So, how did he now ensure that there was peace, particularly with children from different women?

There was no distinction; my mother was scrupulously fair and she loved everybody, even our friends, as her own. And with my father, as long as you introduced someone as your friend, that person was already welcome in our house. He would only have a problem with your friend if they were not in school or have a vocation.

So, how did he like to relax?

(He liked to relax) with his friends. My father was a people person, so you would find him in the company of people having conversation and there would be jokes. He was not a big drinker; he didn’t smoke but he loved being around people. That was how he liked to relax. Ondo Asun was a regular feature in our house. In fact, I usually boast that the best Asun I have ever tasted was the one we made in our house. I don’t know where he got the design (of the grill) from. He had something constructed particular to ensure the meat was actually well grilled, clean and tasty all the time. It was an interesting childhood, no doubt.

Did you travel a lot as a family?

I travelled as a child but as a family, the few trips we took abroad were when we went to see my grandparents in Zimbabwe. Apartheid was still strong then so we couldn’t go to South Africa and then when my grandfather came back from Nigeria, you know, he went into exile and couldn’t return to South Africa, so he returned to Zimbabwe. We took a number of trips to Zimbabwe to spend time with my grandparents and then my aunt and that was how I met my South African cousins and developed relationship with them. And then, when he became a chief in Ondo in 1982, we began to take trips every summer holiday to Ondo to spend the long holidays, which was how I got familiar with Ondo.

What kind of relationship did your father have with his South African in-laws, considering that your mum was South African?

Oh, my father was a charmer; his in-laws absolutely loved him. My grandparents were initially against the marriage; they couldn’t imagine what their daughter was doing with ‘this Nigerian’ but eventually, they came round and absolutely loved him. He got on very well with my uncles. In fact, I was named after one of my uncles, Dr Themba Mcwabeni. My late mum was Xhosa so I was named after my uncle, Themba, whose first name is Constantine. One of my brothers was named after my late grandfather, Westerfield. Recently, we had a family gathering in Zimbabwe where we visited the graveside in Bulawayo – myself; my uncle, Themba; my uncle, Muzi. Uncle Muzi and my cousins, Nothemba and Theresa, hopefully would be attending the (dad’s) burial as representatives from my mother’s family next year.

Did he ever tell you how he met your mum?

Oh yes, you know, my grandfather came into exile in Nigeria when Bantu Education (a government policy of separate and ‘special’ education for blacks) was introduced in South Africa and he was a school principal. In fact, there were lots of South Africans at that time who were welcomed by the Nigerian government. I remember that growing up; I kept hearing that Africa was the centrepiece of Nigerian foreign policy.

There was a native – Langa – who was the principal in a distinguished college in Ondo. My father was a teacher and had gone to see Mrs Langa. He walked into the teaching room and saw a beautiful young South African girl. He looked at her, introduced himself and said you just met your husband. I don’t know the exact date and time but I knew my mother finished and went to a nursing school and qualified (as a nurse). Eventually, they got married.

What was his favourite food?

I think it was Pupuru. It is called Akpu in Igboland but Ondo people call it Pupuru. At a point in time, he couldn’t eat pounded yam, but Pupuru was his favourite.

I know he loved the Fuji musician, Kollington Ayinla, right? Which other musicians did he love?

He loved music generally, he loved Kollington; he loved Sunny Ade. Growing up, my father was a great lover of music and he loved dancing. There was a lot of South African music; that was how I was introduced to Miriam Makeba, Hugh Masekela and Ladysmith and Black Mambazo, but at the same time, he was also a great ballroom dancer, so while the music was playing, he was dancing.

I also remember that Sunny Ade was a favourite of his. He got on very well with Ayinla; he liked his music. He liked Sunny Okosun’s music; I can remember him dancing to it. He could dance.

And he was also quite flamboyant, wasn’t he?

That was his personality. You would either love him or dislike him, you could never be indifferent with him.

He was a flamboyant dresser to, is any of his children also like that?

Not really, I think we are a bit more toned-down than our father. There were certain things I noticed while growing up; there was a book that was in the house, ‘Dress for Success.’ The book in a large part influences the way I dress so I understand and appreciate the need to present yourself in a particular way but I chose a more toned-down dressing based on my own life experiences.

So that was who he was and what he enjoyed doing. And then, I think in a way, he used that to promote the traditional Yoruba ‘Agbada’ (flowing gown). He recognised the power of presentation and he used it. Don’t forget that he was a public relations person. As a public relations person, people would listen to you if they have an emotional connection with you and if they like you. If you present yourself nicely, people quickly form a positive impression about you and he used that as a tool to drive his activities in the fields that he chose.

At a point, he was a minister; did he still have time for his family and to enjoy Asun in Ondo?

My father, first and foremost, was an Ondo man; a very proud Ondo man. His roots were very strong in Ondo. His family was in Ondo, he grew up in Ondo, and his friends were in Ondo, so Ondo was a big part of his life. Even when he was working as a minister, he usually went to Ondo at every opportunity that he had. He took a title at a time when he had the ability to do so, and he later on took another title, so Ondo was essentially his primary identity and then a Nigerian and then an African.

How was he able to achieve a balance between travelling because of his responsibilities as a minister and being with his family?

Well, he had a great team player in my mother. My mother enabled the balance to be maintained. I think it is critical that you pick a person that sufficiently complements you in a way that enables you to maximise what you are as a person, so my mother helped us in the house, and ensured that everything went well while he was away and that was how he was able to do it. I am sure if he were here and you asked him to tell you the one singular consistent factor that contributed to his success apart from God, it would be my mum. My mum was the constant jewel of the house. Anytime it was meal time, everybody in the house at that period would eat, whether you were a resident or not. People always felt welcome in the house because she was there.

In an interview, he spoke about one of wives who was with him for about 30 years and six months, was that your mum?

Yes. My mum died and he married Lady Maria, an Indian, and it didn’t work out. And then he married someone else and it didn’t work out. It is understandable, this was a man set in his ways and was used to a particular person.

Being a public person, how was he able to deal with the attention he got from women?

My father absolutely loved it, he thrived on publicity.

That must have exposed him so many women; how did he handle the temptations that came with that?

I remember my father saying, “Fidelity is not a masculine virtue, it is a feminine virtue.” He was very traditional in that case. But he didn’t follow it through to the point of marrying another wife when he had one.

In one of his interviews, he said people should be made to swear to Ogun and native gods to stem corruption, what kind of Christian was he?

I think my father was the average kind of Christian you would find anywhere in this country. But the fact is that he grew up in a traditional setting and you couldn’t take a traditional title without having the traditional culture at the core and some of these would have involved rites and rituals, which he was open to it. But I am sure it is what we all have to contend with at some point in our life. Even if you say something in public, within you, you still have to decide within yourself what you really believe but as a traditional chief, I am sure he must have had that struggle. It is something that a lot of people conveniently rationalise. I’m not sure how he resolved that struggle.

He seemed to be quite close to the former dictator, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (retd.). He worked for his regime and also worked with the late Gen Sani Abacha. These were unpopular dictatorial regimes; how do you think he felt during this period?

I wish I could answer you but I was young then. With the kind of father we had, we didn’t have those kinds of conversations so I never asked him what he thought philosophically about military government. All I did was observe what he did, so I wish I could answer you but you know, certain individuals would make certain judgments about certain things and you ultimately follow whatever values you aspire to. So, it is something that every individual would have an opinion about and everyone will hold on to their own opinion.

Are there things that many people don’t know about your dad that you can share?

I don’t know the things they don’t know about him because my father was a very public figure and he did a lot of things right there in the open. I would dare say that there were things that he did that I don’t know about which people outside would be able to educate me about. So, that was the kind of father I had.

But my father was a local man; he drank garri and all that. Anytime he saw corn by the side of the road, he would park to buy or even ‘bushmeat’ (meat from non-domesticated mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds hunted for food). My father was very down-to-earth. If he wanted to eat something, he did not allow any kind of ego or condition to affect his behaviour.

In an interview he granted when he was 70, he was he was unhappy. What do you think was his state of mind before he died or on his mind as regards the situation of the country?

I didn’t have that kind of conversation with him so I can’t be sure. All I know is that when I saw him, he was in good spirits. He was happy, we cracked jokes and laughed. He was really very happy. But we didn’t have conversations about the state of the nation. He was in the hospital and had been receiving treatment (before he passed on). It was just good to see that he was in good spirits and was recovering as far as we were concerned, and that was good enough for us. I think consciously, we stayed away from heavy topics because we were just happy to see him at that phase where he was smiling and happy.

So he never even talked about Nigeria…

I had been in and out of the country for many years. I recently relocated to South Africa and I hadn’t been around to have such conversations. They are conversations you have when you are hanging around or spending time (with people). My father was a very strict person, so even for a very long time, we the children related to him with a certain kind of reverence or deference until we were much older and adopted different ways of dealing with him. I think two of my siblings were the ones that were kind of very bold and could challenge him – my sister, Bimbo, and Westerfield. They would ask him difficult questions. And I remember him saying he liked the way Westerfield used to challenge him openly and was never scared.

Does being his son put you under any pressure?

Not really, because I learnt to become my own person. Yes, it was at a cost because everything you did, there was a reference but eventually, I left the country and moved to a completely different environment. I matured, evolved and became who I really wanted to be. When I came back, I came back as a trainer. I pursued that and people identified me as a trainer in the training environment and that was how I got my own recognition.  Every one of his children followed the path they wanted.

What do you think he would like to be remembered for?

If there is anything I can take away from his life, it was his massive amount of self belief. That is the lesson I think anybody can take away with them. You must believe in yourself no matter the background you come from.

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