Oscars 2025: Nigeria’s Mai Martaba Absent In Predicted Shortlist Selection

On route to the Oscars 2025, DEADLINE, and online entertainment media released a list of 15 films likely to make the International Feature Film shortlist category. With the exception of Senegal, Morocco and Kenya, no other African country including Nigeria made the list.

To compile the list DEADLINE had spoken with the listed films directors and reviewed some of the films on their platform.

African films that made the potential shortlist include Senegal’s ‘Dahomey’ – a Mati Diop documentary about the modern debates and discussions that surrounded the return of 26 royal treasures stolen from the country’s ancient kingdom of Dahomey by French colonial troops in 1892.

‘Everybody Loves Touda’ – directed by Nabil Ayouch speaks of a young woman quest to revive the Sheikhat, a sung poetry performed by women in 19th century Moroccan rural communities, but finds herself rather performing in provincial bars under the gaze of lustful men.

Kenya’s ‘Nawi’ directed by Vallentine Chelluget, Apu Mourine, Kevin Schmutzler and Toby Schmutzler, is the story of a brilliant young girl Nawi whose intelligent exploits in school draw TV crew to her hometown. However, her hopes of real education are dashed when her father offers her as a wife in a callous business deal to an older man.


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The three films speak on the current pressing challenges in Africa – restoration and return of priceless African artefacts stolen by colonials, revival of extinct African heritage, and child marriage.


So far there are 85 films in the Academy of Motion Pictures & Sciences Awards International Foreign Feature Films longlist category.


A shortlist is expected to release on Monday, December 16, ahead of the Oscars scheduled in March 2, 2025, where the winner of the category will be announced.

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Sat Dec 14 , 2024
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