Revisiting The Past: The Betrayal

I frowned, “My Fiance? That’s strange because I don’t have any…” I fell silent as realisation dawned on me. What had Nasiru done? I slowly sat back down not trusting my legs could bear the news standing. What had Nasiru done?!!!!

“How much did he give… I mean, pay you? Did he….did he threaten you as well?” I asked calmly, knowing what my bestie could do. Mr Coldwell hesitated then began quietly, “Does it matter? The important thing is you can sit for a make up test.” I was astonished.

“How much was it Sir?” I demanded once more trying to rein in my anger. This situation made things very clear to me somethings about Nasiru that I had chose to ignore for a long time.

“Maimuna, that isn’t important. What you need to focus on is writing the test.” I stood up without another word.



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My Bank & I: Stirring Up A Hornet’s Nest

Thu Dec 14 , 2023
That didn’t fix it, I thought still feeling upset. What kind of passive aggressive attitude is this? “I also suggest you tell these crowd to stand in a line and maintain a respectful distance from the table while waiting for their turn?” I told her. She followed my advice and […]

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