School celebrates carol

Dansol High School, Lagos, celebrated its 2023 carol service on Thursday.

The carol service, titled, ‘wonderful,’ had the students display their talents in singing, drama, and other Christmas activities.

The Vice-Principal, Olayinka Fafunwa, said the sermon delivered at the event gave the audience an understanding of the significance of the word, ‘wonder.’

“Jesus is the wisdom of God. All of us in Dansol, believe when we give Jesus to a child, that child will grow in wisdom and will become an excellent child.

“We have a spiritual formation structured programme that will be tailored from the spiritual formation unit in the continuity of this theme as we relate to the second term theme, ‘Wisdom’.

The highlight of the event was the musical play, whose storyline centred on the prodigal son.

Fafunwa hinted that the next term was titled, ‘Wisdom,’ saying a talent hunt, inter-house sports ceremony, and founders’ day to mention a few would be held during the term.

A Senior Secondary Student, Eniola Ajayi, was announced the most outstanding student of the year, and a Junior Secondary School Student, Tioluwani Taiwo, got the ‘Miss Jesus’ title.

Dansol is unique in offering self-development, life coaching skills, godly training, technology inclination, and other programmes needed to make learners stand out and thrive in life.

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